Thursday, 6 August 2009

Katherine May - Crazy Quilts


We have been wanting to feature Katherine May's work for a little while now - ever since we saw it in conjunction with the wallpapers of our friend Clara Vuletich in Clapham. We were thrilled to finally meet her last week, and get our hands on some of these images.

Katherine is a textile artist, specialising in quilts. It's certainly true that quilting (along with other traditional crafts) is experiencing an upsurge in interest at the moment. It fulfills many of the current obsessions of the design industry - that hunger for pieces that are unique, personal, and filled with history. It also feeds into the desire for re-using and 'up-cycling' old materials - the way that being both eco-friendly and thrifty can lead to beautiful new design.

Katherine's quilts meet all these criteria. But they aren't just beautiful and right on - they're clever too. A quilt made entirely out of old Action Man outfits or Barbie clothes? Just brilliant. With ideas like these Ms May is definitely one to watch.


See more of Katherine's work at


  1. I saw these at 100% design on Sat - they are both wonderful

  2. Check out Susie Brandt's 'Barbie' quilt 1993-2000
