The other day, a good friend of mine described some of my recent purchases as 'monastic' - and I was delighted. As every good modernist knows, if form follows function, then monks are probably the most modern thinkers in the world. These guys make the Shakers look like they're overdoing it a little. If it weren't for those ridiculous haircuts, they would be the last word in chic.
Minimalism is something of a dirty word right now - a throwback to the Nineties when it suddenly seemed like a great idea to live in a grey concrete box, with just a futon mattress and a single perfect feather suspended from the ceiling as decoration.
Still, there's still something very appealing about a spartan aesthetic, and a simple white vessel never loses it's poetic charm. I'm not going to start writing a haiku any time soon, but I'm sure you know what I mean.
This enamel coffee cup is a great example. Simple design, elegant use of material and perfect proportions.
As is this cutlery drainer. A little more soulful than something plastic from Ikea.
And the ceramic bowl at the top of this post? Well, if it seems a little sparse for your liking - a few nectarines take it from Norman Monastery, to Provencal Farmhouse in no time at all.